There appears to be a common trend amongst our new hires here at Walton-Verona High School, and I couldn’t agree more, WV is “a better district” with “friendly staff in a small district.” Having a direct compliment from Alyssa is a great reminder to all of us at WVHS, we work at an exceptional place. Within just a short amount of time working in our halls, she made our halls more exceptional in the great work put forth maintaining our building and shining a bright spirit. Her smile is always present when passing her in the hall and/or having a small chat.
When asked what is something interesting to know about her, Alyysa responded with “I stay strong no matter what life throws at me; I have taken some hard hits in life and got back up.” Her spirit of tenacity is the same spirit present here at WVHS as well. Don’t let the tenacity fool you, however, she can get overwhelmed, per her response in the interview, when students break things, and she is left to fix the damages. Don’t be the one to make her job harder; but instead, stop and say “hi” and give her a friendly “thank you.” Because she has been a great asset to WVHS, and personally, I am thankful to have her on board!
Once a Bearcat, Alyssa, Always a Bearcat! Welcome to WVHS!