Sophia Neumeister
Junior Class with Spirit Stick
School spirit, community, and camaraderie fill the gymnasium while students excitedly cheer on the band, winter sports and the academic team. In addition to the athletes’ performances, the pep rally featured exciting competitions, fun games, and school spirit chants that got everyone involved. Whether before a big game or school morale, a pep rally brings students and staff together.
The pep rally begins with the winter sports and academics being introduced. This year, the spotlight was on basketball, academic team, cheerleading, wrestling, choir, and archery, with each team showing off their skills. Basketball, for example, was represented by Billy Holt and Cam Christy and gave insight on their All A tournament the following week. The school cheered them on in hopes of WVHS boys and girls winning the All A. Moreover, Emma Wolfe representing Cheerleading talks about their competition goals and their competition at Disney.
In addition to the performances from athletes and academic weapons, the pep rally featured exciting competitions, fun games, and school spirit chants getting everyone involved. Students from each grade level were selected to play either 4 corners; head, shoulders, knees, toes, and cup; the screaming contest; and dodgeball. Each game encouraged each grade to climb the pedestal of spirit stick winner, and the junior class took the lead in almost every category.
At the end of the pep rally, students anxiously awaited the results to be tallied up and announced, and the winner of the spirit stick was…… THE JUNIOR CLASS! Congrats juniors!