In fulfilling our promise to keep Walton-Verona High School updated on events, we are providing information on electives in hopes that students are more prepared for scheduling. Below are descriptions of various electives:
Mrs. Core-Stine
Choir – Raise your voice and build your musical skills in our WVHS Choir! Singers of ALL ability and experience levels are welcome to join our ensembles. These groups travel regularly to perform at locations around the Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati area. Rehearsals take place during the school day – so there are very few commitments outside of the school day.
Beginning Piano – This new elective is a fantastic way to learn a new instrument in a relaxed group setting. Students will learn to read music and how to play along with your favorite songs using lead sheets and chords. As a member of the class you’ll receive individual attention and guidance to ensure your success as a pianist!
History of Rock and Roll – Ever wonder what came before the Beatles? Or who influenced Lady Gaga to make music? What do Chuck Berry and Luke Bryan have in common? This discussion-oriented class will take you through the story of modern popular music, starting with its roots and continuing through all of its culture-influencing eras right up to today.
Acting and Theater Arts – You’re a star. You know it. Join this class to learn how to jump into improvised scenes, and how to direct scrpted scenes. Students will also explore the technical elements of theater through special effects make up projects and costume design, as well as sound, light, prop, and set design.