Last year, we began reviewing our final exam policy to ensure it aligned with our commitment to effective instruction and student success. Based on input from students and staff, the school’s SBDM council decided to revise our End of Course Assessment policy. Instead of one comprehensive final exam, students will now take two midterms.
We determined a single final exam accounting for 10% of the course grade placed excessive emphasis on recalling information from up to eight months prior. To address this, the SBDM updated our policy to implement two midterms, each contributing 10% to the semester grade. This change ensures the combined weight of the midterms remains consistent with the previous policy.
Starting this academic year, students will take a midterm exam at the end of each semester. For the first semester, midterms will be administered during the final week of classes in December. The Department Chairs and administration reviewed many midterm schedules and developed a schedule to accommodate all students in the different programs we offer without overstressing students by requiring too many exams on one day.
For our first WVHS Midterms in December, the following schedule will be followed
December 16, 2024 |
December 17, 2024 |
December 18, 2024 |
December 19, 2024 |
December 20, 2024 |
Focus | Flex
A Day 2nd period 4th period 6th period |
A Day 1st period 3rd period 5th period 7th period |
B Day 2nd period 4th period 6th period |
B Day 1st period 3rd period 5th period 7th period |
- Normal schedule daily. Engage is canceled for an additional flex on 12/18.
- Courses with only a SINGLE part exam must give the exam on the B day.
At WVHS, our priority is always what’s best for our students. We believe our new approach will benefit them by requiring mastery over smaller, more manageable amounts of information for each exam.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Adam Nash, WVHS Principal