For about 7 years, Walton-Verona has known the phrase: “How are you doing buddy?” The person most associated with this phrase is the reason for Thursday’s red-clothed phenomenon. Such a phenomenon...
"What college are you going to?"
Why that college?"
"Are you even going to college?
"What are you majoring in?"
"Are you going to live on campus?"
In the earlier years of...
To start off the New Year, the Paw Press is introducing a new segment: Reading Between The Lines. Reading Between The Lines is a series of book recommendations to get avid readers out of a slump of not...
Each season, our school joins together to celebrate our students and their achievements. The week begins with daily themes which, for our winter rally, included Jersey Day, Secret Service Day, Onesie Day,...
Last year, we began reviewing our final exam policy to ensure it aligned with our commitment to effective instruction and student success. Based on input from students and staff, the school's SBDM council...
November 26th, meant the beginning of break for the students at Walton-Verona High School. To the seniors, however, it was the chance to gather and recognize the kind of person each student became....
Theatre, an often overlooked art, has certainly evolved from Greek men clothed in goat skins to the humble community of artists dispersed among countries. Now, the Greek-influenced art has infiltrated...
Once again, our Bearcats dazzle and impress with their art works. Here is what Mrs. Horn had to say -
"Congratulations to our Walton-Verona High School students whose artwork was selected to compete...
It is that time of year again for our seniors at WVHS to order their graduation caps and gowns. Today, our Balfour Rep, Carolyn Bruenelle, made a visit to our campus to distribute order information and...
Fall break is upon us and some of your very own teachers traveled to exciting, adventurous places. Can you guess who the two teachers are and where they went? Here are the hints, solve the riddle:
Each year, our guidance department hosts the College Career Fair for all seniors and juniors. Colleges, business, and military service representatives take time to speak to our students about their...
During Spirit Week, Mr. Heilman stole the show with his sandwich method clothing (shoes matching shirt) and got students to dress like him too! Just like his clothes, Mr. Heilman highlights WVHS spirit....