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Feeling Frosty

The Chilly Impact Winter has on WVHS.
Sophia Neumeister

As the first snowflakes fall and the temperature falls, signs of Winter bring a sense of magic to the season. To students, however, the winter months bring melancholy and frustrated feelings. While snow days bring joy to young children, gray skies, periods of staying indoors, and the cold weather affect high school students with the “Winter Blues”. 

Winter Blues: a seasonal monster taking over society left and right cause a lethargic feeling to many. Winter weather triggers a sense of loneliness for students, especially those who thrive in social environments. Even if students are given the chance to take a break from schoolwork, many still find themselves feeling cooped up. Shorter days and dreary weather make it more difficult to feel energized or optimistic. Lack of sunlight in winter months is detrimental to mental health. 

Despite the challenges winter brings, students and teachers must pull themselves out of the rut and handle everyday life. For example, Goat Connoisseur, Mr. Ryan, talks about his day-to-day during the storm: “I enjoy winter and being outdoors in the snow, so I don’t mind taking care of animals on days like this.  They have to eat no matter what the weather is, so it gives me a reason to get out of the house for a little while.” Keeping active, being on task and on schedule is key to staying upbeat. Having a purpose gives us motivation to keep going.

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