The recent resurrection of the severely missed WOW Club is back in full swing! Due to the change in club time, many more students are planning on attending, evident in the crowd size of their first meeting. During the period, Mrs. Haubner, the teacher hosting, worked with President Addie Dixon, Vice President Ema Dizdarevic, and Aubrey Moses as Secretary to foster a sense of community with the Lady Bearcats.
During Wednesday’s meeting, the women of Walton wrote encouraging notes to the teachers of WVHS which will greet the educators with an attached flower. While in attendance, the room livened with chatter, capturing the sweet sincerity of girlhood. Mady Ryan, one of the attendees, spoke about what she found at the Women of Walton: “The first meeting of the revived WOW club was awesome! I’ve always wanted to join the club, and was super excited to hear that it was back! I’m really looking forward to the events the club has planned for the year and encourage any other young ladies at the school to come and join us!”
The laughter of friends accompanied the pouring out kind words onto the note cards which were a marvelous shade of pink! In hopes to continue the group’s lighthearted nature, Addie describes the intention behind the gatherings: “I hope to make women feel good about themselves. Kindness is key in this club, and I want to offer a welcoming environment and a safe space where people can go and enjoy themselves while they are doing something kind for others.” The WOW Club has a very clear purpose in restoring their meetings. Walton-Verona High School will not have to wait long to see the fruit of such a club as their first of many meetings was already such a blooming success.